Ben Smithgall

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Bit pusher at Spotify. Previously Interactive News at the New York Times, U.S. Digital Service, and Code for America.





Next steps with React Drag and Drop -- Adding a Drop Target

April 30, 2017

Last time we talked about Biblio, we had wired up React Drag and Drop to work correctly a single access. In this post, we are going to talk about handling drop events to make sure that the dragged item sticks to the correct place.

Wiring up a DropTarget

To start, let’s think about the existing DropTarget on our Work object:

const workDropTarget = {
  hover: function(props, monitor, component) {
    const item = monitor.getItem();
    const draggedPosition = item.position;
    const hoverPosition = props.position;

    // find the middle of things
    const hoverBoundingRect = findDOMNode(component).getBoundingClientRect();
    const hoverMiddleY = (hoverBoundingRect.bottom - / 2;
    const clientOffset = monitor.getClientOffset();
    const hoverClientY = clientOffset.y -;

    // don't move until we are halfway over the card
    if (draggedPosition < hoverPosition && hoverClientY < hoverMiddleY) return;
    if (draggedPosition > hoverPosition && hoverClientY > hoverMiddleY) return;

    // insert a display placeholder at an appropriate position
    const dragDir = draggedPosition > hoverPosition ? 'up' : 'down';
    props.setPlaceholder(draggedPosition, hoverPosition, dragDir);

This correctly handles dragging and putting the placeholder in the appropriate place. We need to augment that to add the appropriate handlers for dropping down our Work:

const workDropTarget = {
  hover: function(props, monitor, component) { ... },
  drop: function(props, monitor) {
    props.setPlaceholder(-1, -1, '')
    const item = monitor.getItem()
    props.moveWork(item.position, props.position, props.shelfNumber)

We do three things in this drop function:

  1. Remove the placeholder entirely. Remember that setPlaceholder is a simple setState operation that injects a placeholder div into the appropriate place in the array of Works in our Shelf.
  2. Gets the dropped item from the React Drag and Drop Monitor
  3. Calls a new method called moveWork. moveWork is a standard redux action that calls a reducer to update our application state. We’ll talk more about how this works below

Updating application state

What is going on when we call moveWork? We are dispatching an event which triggers a reducer to reorganize the ordering of works in our shelf. Here is the relevant reducer:

const newState = [...state]
const { lastWorkPos, nextWorkPos, shelfNumber } = action.payload;
const shelf = newState.find(function(e) { return === shelfNumber }), 0,, 1)[0]);

return newState

This gets the shelf from our list of shelves and updates that shelf’s works to reorder them properly.

What about the placeholder?

One problem that we run into here is that if we drop over the placeholder, then the action doesn’t actually fire. This is because right now we have the placeholder set up as a straightforward html div tag without an attached DropTarget. The way to fix that is to turn the placeholder into a proper component and wire it up with a DropTarget:

class WorkPlaceholder extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return this.props.connectDropTarget(
      <div className="bb-work bb-work-placeholder" />

WorkPlaceholder.propTypes = {
  connectDropTarget: React.PropTypes.func,
  setPlaceholder: React.PropTypes.func,
  moveWork: React.PropTypes.func,
  shelfNumber: React.PropTypes.number,
  position: React.PropTypes.number,

const workPlaceholderTarget = {
  drop: function(props, monitor) {
    props.setPlaceholder(-1, -1, '')
    const item = monitor.getItem()
    props.moveWork(item.position, props.position, props.shelfNumber)

export default DropTarget(DRAG_WORK, workPlaceholderTarget, function(connect) {
  return {
    connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),

Then, in our ShelfList component, we replace the references to the plain placeholder div with references instead to our new WorkPlaceholder. This then allows us to have DropTargets over both the cards themselves and the placeholders. At this point, we should have a complete working single-axis drag and drop component completely wired.

Moving works across lists

At this point, we can now drag and drop cards up and down a single list. However, we want to be able to drag and drop them across multiple lists. It turns out that this is a pretty straightforward modification to make. We just need to keep track of the source and destination shelfNumber in addition to the source and destination position (which is what we are currently doing).

We need to modify the following:

  • our workDragSource to include references to both the original shelfNumber and the original position
  • our setPlaceholder references to be able to contain information about the full matrix of positions and shelfNumbers, as opposed to just information about the position to drop the placeholder.
  • our DropTargets
  • our reducer methods to properly move between lists and reorder things in lists. This ends up being the most complicated changes of all of them. I ended up with the following to make it work completely:
const { lastShelfId, lastWorkPos, nextShelfId, nextWorkPos } = action.payload;
const lastShelf = newState.shelves.find(function(e) { return === lastShelfId; });
const nextShelf = newState.shelves.find(function(e) { return === nextShelfId; });

// no X move: moving a work up/down in an existing shelf
if (lastShelfId === nextShelfId) {, 0,, 1)[0]);
} else {, 0,[lastWorkPos]);, 1);
return newState;

With everything completed, we should now be able to move works between shelves:

Moving around

To see the full code, check it out on Github.

There are still a few things that we need to do to finish out this functionality:

  1. We need to be able to save the position of the moved works after we finish the move. Right now, all moves will be reset on page refresh.
  2. We need to be able to drag works to shelves that currently don’t have any works. Right now, setState is a limitation for this because it doesn’t allow cross-shelf communication. We will have to move this into a reducer method.