Ben Smithgall

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Bit pusher at Spotify. Previously Interactive News at the New York Times, U.S. Digital Service, and Code for America.





Building a chess application with Phoenix LiveView (Part 1)

May 31, 2024

Recently I have been doing some more explorations of Elixir and Phoenix. After watching this great video about hand-implementing a chess engine, I got inspired to try and write my own implementations for the rules of chess and my own Chessboard layout for the web with Phoenix LiveView. I want to note that I’m not a great chess programmer or Elixir expert at this point. For expert takes on things, you might try the Chess programming wiki, or the Elixir forums. I wanted to share my progress with that here in an occasionally recurring series as I add more bits and pieces to this implementation, such as writing my own (comparatively weak) engine, or adding live play functionality. But before we get to any of that interesting stuff, we first need to get a mostly working model for the rules of chess. There are a few existing libraries (most notably chex), but I still wanted to roll my own for easier integration with LiveView. You can play around with the progress of this here.

1. Representing the game

The first need we need is a game state, and we can reach naturally for the Elixir struct to encode our information. The Game struct needs to keep track of a number of things that represent the game state which we will get to, but the most important is the current board state.

One notable thing about Elixir is that its List implementations are in fact linked lists, as opposed to arrays. This means that random access is effectively O(n) as opposed to O(1) that you might find in other languages. There are some good reasons for this in the language, but it does mean that some standard things about board state (like representing the board as a 64-length array) is not really optimal for our case.

Instead, I opted to use an elixir Map of the form %{{number(), number()} => Square.t()}. This means that each key is the location of each square, represented as a tuple of file, rank, and each value is represented as a Square struct.

The Square struct

Each Square contains not only the piece sitting on it (or nil) but also another struct called Sees, which contains all the other squares that can be “seen” from this square, keyed by the direction (along with knight moves and combination of all of them):

defmodule Elswisser.Square.Sees do
  defstruct up: [],
            down: [],
            left: [],
            right: [],
            up_right: [],
            up_left: [],
            down_left: [],
            down_right: [],
            knight: [],

defmodule Elchesser.Square do
  alias Elchesser.Square.Sees

  defstruct file: nil,
            rank: nil,
            loc: {},
            piece: nil,
            sees: %Sees{}

Additionally, I implemented the Inspect protocol for the square for debugging purposes to draw the square on the board along with all the squares that it sees. Using unicode pipe characters allows us to draw a nice representation of each square in the terminal. For example:

e4 - ' '
8 │ ✕ │   │   │   │ ✕ │   │   │   │
7 │   │ ✕ │   │   │ ✕ │   │   │ ✕ │
6 │   │   │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │   │
5 │   │   │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │   │
4 │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ◯ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │
3 │   │   │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │   │
2 │   │   │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │ ✕ │   │
1 │   │ ✕ │   │   │ ✕ │   │   │ ✕ │
    a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

The Move struct

Along with Square, another key component is the Move. This struct contains relevant information needed for computing and encoding an individual chess move. Most importantly, it contains from and to board locations, the piece being moved, and additional information to be figured out later (like castling, promotions, etc.):

defmodule Elchesser.Move do
  defstruct from: {},
            to: {},
            piece: nil,
            capture: nil,
            promotion: nil,
            castle: false,
            checking: nil

2. Representing pieces

Now that we have the outlines our game board, move, and square structs, we can get started with actually implementing pieces. For each piece, we need a way to get all of squares that the given piece can move to based on where it is right now. There are really four different types of pieces to consider. Rooks, bishops, and queens can be implemented the same way. Knights are similar to those but have different move patterns. Then there are pawns and kings.

First, we can outline a @behaviour that each piece will follow:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece do
  alias Elchesser.{Square, Game, Move}

  @doc """
  Generates psuedo-legal moves for a given piece type.
  @callback moves(Square.t(), Game.t()) :: [Move.t()]
  @callback attacks(Square.t(), Game.t()) :: [Move.t()]

Rooks, bishops, queens

All three of these pieces move in effectively the same way: they slide along whatever directions they are allowed to move until they bump into the edge of the board, an opposing piece, or a friendly piece. For this, we can take advantage of the relevant pre-computed sees fields:

  @spec move_range(%Square{}, %Game{}, Square.Sees.t()) :: [Move.t()]
  def move_range(%Square{} = square, %Game{} = game, direction) do
    get_in(square.sees, [Access.key!(direction)])
    |> Enum.reduce_while([], fn {file, rank}, acc ->
      s = Game.get_square(game, {file, rank})

      case friendly?(square.piece, s.piece) do
        true -> {:halt, acc}
        false -> {:halt, [Move.from(square, {s.file, s.rank}, capture: true) | acc]}
        nil -> {:cont, [Move.from(square, {s.file, s.rank}) | acc]}
    |> Enum.reverse()

From here, implemeting each of the sliding pieces becomes fairly straightforward. For example, with a bishop:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.Bishop do
  alias Elchesser.{Square, Game, Piece}

  @behaviour Piece

  @impl true
  def moves(%Square{} = square, %Game{} = game) do
    for d <- [:up_right, :up_left, :down_left, :down_right], reduce: [] do
      acc -> [Square.move_range(square, game, d) | acc]
    |> List.flatten()

  @impl true
  def attacks(square, game), do: moves(square, game)

Rooks and queens follow the some logic with different directions. Because these pieces also attack all the squares they can move to, attacks and moves are the same.


Knights are similar to sliding pieces, but they can “jump” over pieces as well. So instead of scanning along a direction, we check all of the knight sees squares from our struct, and use that to generate moves and attacks:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.Knight do
  alias Elchesser.{Square, Game, Piece, Move}

  @behaviour Piece

  @impl true
  def moves(%Square{} = square, %Game{} = game) do
    Enum.reduce(square.sees.knight, [], fn {file, rank}, acc ->
      s = Map.get(game.board, {file, rank})

      case Piece.friendly?(square.piece, s.piece) do
        true -> acc
        false -> [Move.from(square, {s.file, s.rank}, capture: true) | acc]
        nil -> [Move.from(square, {s.file, s.rank}) | acc]

  @impl true
  def attacks(square, game), do: moves(square, game)


Pawns are more difficult than the pieces that have been implemented so far for a few reasons:

  1. They can move two squares from their starting position and one square otherwise.
  2. They attack diagonally instead of straight ahead.
  3. They have to respect the rules of en passant.
  4. They can promote to another piece if they reach the back rank.

Elixir’s function head pattern matching makes this easier to handle. We can start by generating the squares that the pawns attack (we use the :P atom to represent white pawns and :p to represent black pawns to be consistent with FEN notation):

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.Pawn do
  alias Elchesser.{Square, Game, Move, Piece}

  @behaviour Piece
  def moves(_, _), do: []

  @impl true
  def attacks(%Square{} = square, _), do: attacks(square) |>, &1))

  defp attacks(%Square{piece: :P, rank: rank, file: file}) do
    [{file + 1, rank + 1}, {file - 1, rank + 1}]
    |> Enum.filter(&Square.valid?/1)

  defp attacks(%Square{piece: :p, file: file, rank: rank}) do
    [{file + 1, rank - 1}, {file - 1, rank - 1}]
    |> Enum.filter(&Square.valid?/1)

Now, we need to make moves. Depending on where the pawn is on the board, we can use a number of candidate moves and then whittle them down based on various conditions. We can use pattern matching once again to generate candidate moves, along with a flag for whether or not the pawn should be promoted:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.Pawn do
  # ... 
  @impl true
  def moves(%Square{piece: :P, rank: 2, file: file} = square, %Game{} = game),
    do: moves(square, game, [{file, 3}, {file, 4}], false)

  def moves(%Square{piece: :P, rank: rank, file: file} = square, %Game{} = game),
    do: moves(square, game, [{file, rank + 1}], rank + 1 == 8)

  def moves(%Square{piece: :p, rank: 7, file: file} = square, %Game{} = game),
    do: moves(square, game, [{file, 6}, {file, 5}], false)

  def moves(%Square{piece: :p, rank: rank, file: file} = square, %Game{} = game),
    do: moves(square, game, [{file, rank - 1}], rank - 1 == 1)
  # ... 

Then, once we have the candidate moves, we can whittle them down based on the rules described above:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.Pawn do
  # ...
  defp moves(square, game, candidates, promotion) do
    m =
      # moves are only valid if the candidate square is empty
      |> Enum.filter(fn candidate -> Game.get_square(game, candidate) |> Square.empty?() end)
      |> {file, rank} ->
        Move.from(square, {file, rank}, promotion: promote(promotion, square.piece))

    a =
      # attacks are only valid if the candidate square is occupied by an enemy
      # piece or the current en passant square of the given game state
      |> Enum.filter(fn s ->
        sq = Game.get_square(game, s)
        Piece.enemy?(square.piece, sq.piece) || en_passant?(sq, game)
      |> s ->
        sq = Game.get_square(game, s)
        ep? = en_passant?(sq, game)

        capture =
          cond do
            ep? and square.piece == :P -> :p
            ep? and square.piece == :p -> :P
            true -> sq.piece

        Move.from(square, s, capture: capture, promotion: promote(promotion, square.piece))

    Enum.concat(m, a)
  # ...

  defp en_passant?(%Square{} = square, %Game{} = game) do
    Square.empty?(square) && Square.eq?(square, game.en_passant)

This does rely on the en passant information stored in the game state. That will be discussed in much more detail in part three when we update the game state after making moves.


Kings are even more complex than pawns:

  1. Kings can possibly castle either kingside or queenside depending on the state of the game.
  2. Kings cannot move into check.

Both of these rely on game state, which again will be discussed a bit later. To start, we can generate a list of all possible squares that the king can attack. kings can move one square in any direction, so an Elixir for comprehension is a good fit for candidate move generation. From there, we can apply similar logic to our previous piece moves to check for friendly pieices, captures, etc:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.King do
  # ...
  def attacks(%Square{file: file, rank: rank}) do
    for(f <- -1..1, r <- -1..1, not (f == 0 and r == 0), do: {file + f, rank + r})
    |> Enum.filter(&Square.valid?/1)
    |> Enum.reduce([], fn {file, rank}, acc ->
      s = Map.get(game.board, {file, rank})

      case Piece.friendly?(square.piece, s.piece) do
        true -> acc
        false -> [Move.from(square, {s.file, s.rank}, capture: true) | acc]
        nil -> [Move.from(square, {s.file, s.rank}) | acc]
  # ...

From there, we need to add kingside and queenside castling (in the event that castling is legal from the given position), and then remove any moves that might put the king in check.

First, castling. There are three conditions that have to be met in order for the king to be able to castle in a given direction:

  1. It must be legal according the game state (i.e. the king or relevant rook must not have moved)
  2. All squares between the king and relevant rook must be empty
  3. No squares between the king and relevant rook can be attacked by an enemy piece (the king cannot move through or into check)

In order to do this, we’ll need to have a way to check if a given square is being attacked. To do this, we can figure out where all the pieces are for a given color, and then figure out which squares those pieces attack.

First, let’s figure out where all the pieces for a given color are located:

defmodule Elchesser.Board do
  def white_occupied(%Game{board: board}) do
    Map.filter(board, fn {_, square} -> Square.white?(square) end)
    |> Map.values()

  def black_occupied(%Game{board: board}) do
    Map.filter(board, fn {_, square} -> end)
    |> Map.values()

Then, let’s get all the unique locations attacked by those pieces:

defmodule Elchesser.Board do
  def white_attacks(%Game{} = game) do
    |>, game))
    |> List.flatten()
    |> Enum.uniq()
    |> &

  def black_attacks(%Game{} = game) do
    |>, game))
    |> List.flatten()
    |> Enum.uniq()
    |> &

Then, using this information, we can evaluate the legality of all of our castling rules. This snippet is for castling kingside for the white king, but can be extended to go queenside, and for the black king:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.King do
  # ...
  # handle the case where castling is illegal by the game rules
  defp maybe_castle_kingside(%Square{piece: piece}, %Game{castling: c}, _)
       when not is_map_key(, piece),
       do: []

  # check that castling is legal for the given position
  defp maybe_castle_kingside(%Square{piece: :K} = square, %Game{} = game, attacks) do
    through_squares = [{?f, 1}, {?g, 1}] |>, &1))

    if can_castle?(through_squares, attacks),
      do: [Move.from(square, {?g, 1}, castle: true)],
      else: []
  # ...
  # Going kingside has the same through and attacked squares, but when castling
  # queenside, the b-file can be attacked, so we have the two function heads.
  defp can_castle?(through_squares, attacks),
    do: can_castle?(through_squares, through_squares, attacks)

  defp can_castle?(empty_through, attack_through, attacks) do
    empty? = Enum.all?(empty_through, &Square.empty?/1)

    attacked? =
      attacks |> |> Enum.any?(&(&1 in attack_through))

    empty? and not attacked?

Now we can put all this together:

defmodule Elchesser.Piece.King do
  # ...
  # Note this is the private method shared between the black and white kings.
  # The difference would be which set of attacks are fed into the function
  defp moves(%Square{} = square, %Game{} = game, %MapSet{} = attacks) do
    # starting with all the attacked squares
    attacks(square, game) 
    # add kingside castling if it's legal
    |> Enum.concat(maybe_castle_kingside(square, game, attacks)) 
    # add queenside castling if it's legal
    |> Enum.concat(maybe_castle_queenside(square, game, attacks))
    # filter out all moves where the given square is attacked by an enemy piece
    |> Enum.reject(&MapSet.member?(attacks, &
  # ...

3. Making moves

Finally, we have a working implementations of all the pieces. We need to be able to make moves on the board and have them update our game’s internal state. The internal state has to keep track of a lot of different things. The main ones come from FEN notation: board state, active color, castling rights, en passant, and the halfmove and fullmove clocks. Since Elixir is an immutable language, making a move will return a new game struct with all the fields updated.

Validating moves

The first part of making a move is ensuring that the proposed move is valid. A move cannot originate from an empty square, and players cannot move out of order. Pieces must respect the general rules of the game. We can re-use some of our previously implemented code to make all of this happen. Square.legal_locs/2 is the same as Square.legal_moves/2 implemented in the above section with kings, just with the move mapped to the .to fields in the move struct.

In order to write these validators, I took advantage of Elixir’s beautiful with/1 method. Each validator flows down and returns either a boolean, or an error atom. This gets fed into a little convenience or_/1 method which returns either :ok, or {:error, reason}. This allows for a nice little block of readable validations:

defmodule Elchesser.Game
  # ...
  defp ensure_valid_move(%Game{} = game, %Move{} = move) do
    with from <- Game.get_square(game, move.from),
         to <- Game.get_square(game,,
         :ok <- not Square.empty?(from) |> or_(:empty_square),
         :ok <- ( == Board.color_at(game, from)) |> or_(:invalid_from_color),
         :ok <- ( != Board.color_at(game, to)) |> or_(:invalid_to_color),
         :ok <- ( in Square.legal_locs(from, game)) |> or_(:invalid_move) do
  # ...
  @spec or_(boolean(), atom()) :: :ok | {:error, atom()}
  defp or_(true, _), do: :ok
  defp or_(false, reason), do: {:error, reason}
  # ...

As an aside, this is the kind of thing that really makes Elixir a joy to work with compared to other languages.

Making moves in the board

Now that we have ensured that our moves our valid, we can update our board state. Making a move has a few possible steps:

  1. The origin piece has to be picked up
  2. The piece has to be moved to its destination, optionally castling
  3. If the move is a castle, we have to make sure the king and the rook are moved.
  4. If the move is a promotion, the pawn needs to be replaced with the promotion piece.

Note that this is a pseudo-legal move; we are relying on our move validator in step one above to make sure that the move is legal before making it to this step. with/1 makes this a snap as well:

defmodule Elchesser.Board do
  # ...
  @spec move(Elchesser.Game.t(), Elchesser.Move.t()) ::
          {:ok, {Move.t(), Game.t()}} | {:error, atom()}
  def move(%Game{} = game, %Move{} = move) do
    with {:ok, {piece, game}} <- move_from(game, move.from),
         {:ok, {capture, game}} <- move_to(game,, piece),
         {:ok, game} <- castle(game, move),
         {:ok, game} <- promote(game, move) do
      check = Game.Check.opponent_in_check?(game)

      move = %{
        | checking: if(check == true, do: :check, else: nil),
          capture: capture,
          piece: piece

      move = %{move | san: Move.san(move)}

      {:ok, {move, game}}
  # ...

Moving pieces with move_from/2 and move_to/3

When doing the actual moves themselves, we can take advantage of the nice Map.get_and_update/3. move_from/2 updates the board at the given square and ensures that a piece is present there, failing with the :empty_square atom if not.

def move_from(%Game{board: board} = game, loc) do
  case Map.get_and_update(board, loc, fn current ->
          {current, %Square{current | piece: nil}}
        end) do
    {%Square{piece: nil}, _} -> {:error, :empty_square}
    {%Square{piece: p}, board} -> {:ok, {p, %Game{game | board: board}}}

move_to/3 does basically the same thing in reverse, just making sure that we aren’t putting our piece on a square that’s already occupied by a friendly piece.

def move_to(%Game{board: board} = game, loc, piece) do
  {%Square{piece: capture}, board} =
    Map.get_and_update(board, loc, fn current ->
      {current, %Square{current | piece: piece}}

  cond do
    Piece.friendly?(piece, capture) -> {:error, :invalid_to_color}
    true -> {:ok, {capture, %Game{game | board: board}}}


For castling, we can enumerate all possible cases (there are only four):

def castle(game, %Move{castle: false}), do: {:ok, game}

def castle(%Game{} = game, %Move{to: to}) do
  move =
    case to do
      {?g, 1} -> Move.from({?h, 1, :R}, {?f, 1})
      {?g, 8} -> Move.from({?h, 8, :r}, {?f, 8})
      {?c, 1} -> Move.from({?a, 1, :R}, {?d, 1})
      {?c, 8} -> Move.from({?a, 8, :r}, {?d, 8})

  with {:ok, {_, game}} <- move(game, move) do
    {:ok, game}


Promotion works very similarly to move_to/3. We use Map.get_and_update/3 to update the pawn in place:

def promote(game, %Move{promotion: nil}), do: {:ok, game}

def promote(%Game{board: board} = game, %Move{to: to, promotion: promotion}) do
  with {_, board} <-
          Map.get_and_update(board, to, fn current ->
            {current, %Square{current | piece: promotion}}
          end) do
    {:ok, %Game{game | board: board}}

Updating game state

Now that we have valid moves and a way to update our board state, we can finally update the game state:

defmodule Elchesser.Game do
  # ...
  def move(%Game{} = game, %Move{} = move) do
    with :ok <- ensure_valid_move(game, move),
         {:ok, {move, game}} <- Board.move(game, move) do
      game =
        |> flip_color()
        |> set_in_check()
        |> add_move(move)
        |> add_fen()
        |> add_capture(move.capture)
        |> set_castling_rights(move)
        |> set_en_passant(move)
        |> set_half_move_count(move)
        |> set_full_move_count()

      {:ok, game}
  # ...

There isn’t a ton of very interesting stuff here, just a lot of housekeeping. But, now with this, we should finally have a way of playing a game of chess in our program:

game =

{:ok, game} = Game.move(game, Move.from({?e, 2, :P}, {?e, 4}))
{:ok, game} = Game.move(game, Move.from({?e, 7, :p}, {?e, 5}))
{:ok, game} = Game.move(game, Move.from({?d, 2, :P}, {?d, 4}))
{:ok, game} = Game.move(game, Move.from({?e, 5, :p}, {?d, 4}))

Now that we have this, we can get to the interesting part: hooking it into a Phoenix LiveView.